“A Sinister Resonance”: Vibration, Sound, and the Birth of Conrad’s Marlow

Written by Julie Beth Napolin February 16, 2015

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“A Sinister Resonance”: Vibration, Sound, and the Birth of Conrad’s Marlow
Bruce Harkness Young Scholar Prize, 2013, Joseph Conrad Society of America
Vol. 21, No. 2 (Spring/Summer 2013), pp. 69-100
Published by: University of Nebraska Press

Qui Parle

Published in Vibratory Modernism, ed. Anthony Enns and Shelley Trower (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Professor Julie Beth Napolin

Julie Beth Napolin

Julie Beth Napolin studies the history and theory of sound and its intersections with the novel, film, art, performance, psychoanalysis, gender, and race, asking what practices of listening can tell us about the politics of memory and form. She is the co-Editor of the William Faulkner Journal, a member of the editorial board of Sound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and the former President of the New School chapter of the American Association of University Professors. She received her PhD in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley.

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